Monday 21 May 2012

Pedestrian Power

'Tiles' May Help Shrink Carbon Footprint by Harnessing Pedestrian Power.

These newly invented tiles are being used in a large urban mall in England upon which millions of residents and tourists walk.The well- designed squares aren't just ornamental. They are designed to collect the kinetic energy created by the estimated 40 million pedestrians who will use that walkway in a year, generating several hundred kilowatt-hours of electricity from their footsteps. That's enough to power half the mall's outdoor lighting.

The power generated from millions of footfalls can be used to operate a range of low-power applications, including lighting, signs, digital ads, and Wi-Fi zones.

Gradually, this new 'Pavegen' technology is slowly dispersing itself across the country, and hopefully, soon around the world. Now, along with some malls, even elementary schools have these tiles which proves to be the source in lighting up the corridors.

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