Monday 27 February 2012

Do You Feel the Enlightment?

If there are about 20 pages in material left to learn and the test in less than 4 days,what shall you do?
Answer: TWEET :)

The method that Mr. Mahli applied in order to allow us to attain necessary information at an extremely fast rate was not only efficient but also more knowledgable.
Answering the questions as tweets allowed us to summarize important topics and in addition to also have access to them technologically,whenever,wherever.
( If someone in the world happens to click on any of our twitter pages, they are going to be pretty amazed at how much information kids can possess and how they probably have nothing better to do. Little do they know.)

Moreover, we were able to focus on particular topics with the most efficient elementary process available, DRAWING.
Who knew pretty colours and iPad technology could be so educational?

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