Monday 9 April 2012

The Misuse of Rivers

The world's weaving waterways, extending from mountains to lowland flood plains and deltas become the source of food, water, and even electricity for nations. Though with the growing populations and the ultimately growing needs of the world's populace, these natural water suppliers degrade from their fresh running water to merely dry land.The over-consumption of the rivers causes it waters to never even reach its delta or be resourceful to the cities or towns located further down its channel.

For example, the Colorado River is a life source for nearly 30 million people and since it is so heavily tapped with dams and agricultural industries, its water flow covers approximately only one-tenth of what it did formerly. This river, which was significant and resourceful for two countries, is now subjected to only a few acres of land and if such practices continue, it will find its way to nothingness.

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