Friday 27 April 2012

'TITANIC' Geography

With Apri 14,2012 marking the 100th year of the sinking of what was deemed to be 'unsinkable', director James Cameron, naval experts, geologists,and engineers took a dive down to 'The Abyss', the location of what is now left of the massive ship.

The primary cause due to the catastrophic event is well-known but these researchers took over 30 dives into the ocean for reasons that lead to its disintegration.
Amazingly, the one factor that was predominant was HYDRAULIC ACTION, the powerful force of water. This method of erosion is behind the steepness of walls and the formation of landscape features but who would have known that it also behind the splitting of the ship.
The particular facet of why the ship had sunk the way it had and how it had slowly made its way a few miles from the coast of Newfoundland from where it primarily sank was clarified through the observation of water qualities.
Who knew something so blue and liquid'y' could be so powerful?

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