Saturday 28 April 2012

Protecting our Fresh Waters

Despite living in a country that houses the greatest percentage of fresh water in the world, efforts are still constantly taking place to keep this percentage and the ultimate freshness of the water forever constant. 

University of British Columbia's professor John Richardson is trying to find the best way to protect freshwater streams in logging areas. Since many decades ago, loggers and environmentalists have come up with the idea of 30-meter buffer, a notion in which 30 meters of trees are left on the sides of streams in order to reduce erosion of the stream-bank, shade streams to keep temperatures down, protect fish habitats, prevent sediment from accumulating and increase the overall stability of the ecosystem. Professor Richardson is working to introduce a variant strategy which will prove to be more efficient in protecting our freshwater. 

To read the full article of this buffer and the endeavor to protect our precious fresh waters, see

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